Eating Cooked Beef Before Drinking Ayahuasca

Anyone who has looked into drinking ayahuasca, the sacred Amazonian hallucinogenic brew, has probably come across the concept of the dieta (nutrition). The ayahuasca nutrition is a set of guidelines for physical and psychological grooming that people are highly encouraged to adhere to prior to this blazon of ceremony.

While the extent to which y'all are brash to follow a specific diet will vary from one retreat heart to some other, there is a full general gear up of recommendations that the majority of places will propose to follow. Some substances, foods, and activities are to be completely avoided considering of medical contraindications and potentially adverse physical furnishings, while others are strongly advised against because of how they may potentially interfere with the connection to the plant during ceremony.

Allow'south pause down exactly what you need to avoid prior to an ayahuasca ceremony and why it is important to stick to the guidelines as all-time you can.

Foods to Avoid Before Drinking Ayahuasca

If your electric current diet consists of sugary drinks and fast food, in that location will be a lot you will want to cut out. If yous mainly stick to an eating regimen of found-based, whole foods, so the dieta volition exist less of a modify from your norm.

Essentially, the idea is to stick to make clean, nutrient-dense, non-candy food and drinks every bit much as possible. Avoid red meat, pork, spicy foods, caffeine, booze, dairy, and excess sugar and table salt for at least three days, merely ideally upwards to two weeks, before the ceremony. Information technology is too necessary to avoid foods or drinks that comprise tyramine, which is found in aged cheeses, yeast, fermented foods (like sauerkraut, kombucha, soy sauce, or tofu), yogurt, some nutritional supplements, and backlog amounts of chocolate and peanuts. In the few days earlier the ceremony, information technology is often as well advised to avoid strong flavors like garlic and onion, excessive oil, and overripe fruits.

The reason it is important to avoid drinks and foods rich in tyramine is that the ayahuasca vine contains a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). MAOIs forbid the breakdown of tyramine, which is an amino acrid. This combination of foods and brew could create a challenge for the trunk to process, potentially increasing the chances of a nasty headache, increased blood pressure, or increased nausea

So, what tin yous eat?

Unfortunately, the blander, the better with the ayahuasca diet. A good for you diet earlier the ceremony consists of lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains (similar rice, quinoa, and oats), and legumes (similar beans, lentils, and peas). While cooking, be sparing with oil (olive or coconut are preferred), salt, spices, and carbohydrate. And on the day of the ceremony itself, keep things light and establish-based, and drink only h2o or herbal tea. While you may not want to become into the ceremony with a completely empty stomach (equally you volition likely need that energy later on in the night), avoid loading up on heavy beast products. Fruits, vegetables, and some easily digestible carbohydrates are good choices. It is too important to stop eating at least four hours earlier yous are to potable the brew.

Substances to Stay Abroad From

Too as the foods outlined, it is important to refrain from taking whatsoever recreational drugs and some medications during the weeks prior to the anniversary. It is important to consult with your retreat leader beforehand to go over any possible prescription interactions.

Virtually retreat centers suggest the discontinuation of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for at least vi weeks before the feel. Combining SSRIs with ayahuasca can induce serotonin syndrome, with potentially fatal effects. Other MAO inhibiting medications (see total list below) should as well be discontinued for at least half-dozen weeks.

Drug Contraindications with Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) due to potential for Severe Toxicity*

*List may non exist all inclusive; about drugs listed are contraindicated due to hazard of astringent serotonin toxicity, all the same others may cause hypertensive crisis or extreme vasoconstriction. Medications that are substrates of CYP2D6 may be increased by ayahuasca. Table adjusted from Thomas K, Malcolm B. Handbook of Medical Hallucinogens, Ch. 22. Agin Effects. Guilford Press. 2021

When taking herbal supplements such as St. Johns Wort, Kava, or Kratom, make sure yous check with your retreat centre near how long these need to be discontinued before the ceremony.

All other recreational drug use should be avoided for as long as possible before the retreat, including cocaine, MDMA, LSD, or amphetamines. While there are reports of some people combining cannabis with ayahuasca, many facilitators believe that the plant spirit of marijuana interferes with that of ayahuasca, and it should exist avoided at least two weeks prior to the retreat.

Preparing the Listen

The ayahuasca dieta not only includes what is fed to the body but likewise what is fed to the mind. In addition to purifying the body, there tin can also be benefits from preparing psychologically and spiritually before the feel.

Leading up to the retreat, it is advisable to avoid stressful situations (and people) that could steer the listen into a more negative space. If possible, take a few days off from work prior to the ceremony, spending some time away from technology to meditate, be outside and set some intentions. If this is not possible, and so effort to limit exposure to social media and Television receiver.

Lastly, it is advisable to abstain from sexual activity, including masturbation, before the ceremony. Sexual activity tin create big energetic shifts in the torso, which can deplete energy and touch on focus during the ceremony.

Post-ceremony Diet

While it can be tempting to gorge on everything you take been abstaining from once yous get home from the retreat, information technology is important to continue the pre-ceremony guidelines during your initial integration menses.

This post-ceremony commitment is an opportunity to maintain the clarity of listen to explore the insights gained from the ayahuasca experience. Your futurity self will thank you if you go along the dieta during this period.

Why Practice the Ayahuasca Diet?

The list of restrictions may seem like an intimidating commitment. You lot may question if it is even necessary to follow this diet since there is little risk of bodily harm (aside from the contraindications already mentioned).

So, why do it?

Many practitioners claim that going into an experience with ayahuasca equally physically and emotionally "apple-pie" as possible will allow for a clearer and deeper connectedness with the plant. It is like creating a "bare slate" for the medicine to exercise its piece of work, which tin can assistance yous to exist more fully open up to its insights. Ignoring the dieta can create layers of resistance in the form of additional mental and physical purging, creating more obstructions for the medicine to navigate.

Additionally, adhering to the nutrition pays tribute to the traditions of the communities from which the ayahuasca ritual comes. Ethnic shamans (and others trained from outside of the community) will ordinarily railroad train extensively on the dieta. Committing to these restrictions shows respect for the ayahuasca brew and its lineages, which could bear on how deeply you are able to connect with the plant spirit.

Want to detect out more about other means to maximize the impact of your ayahuasca feel? Check out this commodity on How to Have an Amazing Ayahuasca Feel (Even If You Vomit).


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