Beef Eaten More in Countries With Cows

Dr Diana Bogueva and colleagues from Curtin University explain whether meat consumption increases as income increases, revealing the countries that may have already reached 'peak meat'.

Despite the 'top meat' tendency in some countries, meat consumption continues to increase effectually the world. The shift towards alternative proteins has gathered momentum in the last two years, with academic efforts to recreate the all-time possible texture, gustation and appearance of meat, and food retailers increasingly promoting constitute-sourced meat to mainstream consumers. The need for more meat alternatives to address the needs of growing number of flexitarian, vegetarian, and vegan consumers – alternatives which we are creating at the University of Sydney – may help increase the number of countries reaching top meat consumption.

Dr Diana Bogueva

Eating meat comes with an enormous ecology footprint, with food systems responsible for an estimated 34% of global emissions. And notwithstanding, in most countries, meat consumption is continuing to ascension.

Our new study investigated whether meat consumption increases as income increases. We specifically tested if there'southward a betoken at which improvements in GDP per capita are no longer associated with greater meat consumption. In other words, in a globe of increasing Gross domestic product, when might meat consumption peak?

Later analysing information for 35 countries, we identified such a tipping point at around US$40,000 (A$57,000) of GDP per capita. Only six of the 35 countries, however, had reached this, with other countries continuing on an increasing trajectory.

Overall, nosotros plant each person worldwide ate, on average, iv.5 kilograms more than meat per year in 2019 than in 2000. While nosotros can't say what'south backside the full general choice to eat more than meat, our study identifies some insightful trends.

The problem with meat

Emissions from meat product are largely due to land clearing, including deforestation, to create more pasture and grow feed for livestock.

To put it into perspective, human settlements occupy merely 1% of the planet'south landmass, while livestock grazing and feed production utilize 27%. Compare this to 7% used for ingather production for direct human consumption, and 26% occupied by forests.

As a result, a recent UK study plant a vegetarian nutrition produces 59% less emissions than a not-vegetarian ane. And interestingly, it found that the average diet for men in the U.k. had 41% more than emissions than that of women, considering of their greater intake of meat and other brute-based products.

Australia is one of the world's meridian meat-eating countries. Jo Anne Mcarthur/Unsplash

Despite the growing evidence and sensation of the climate impact of our diets, nosotros found the boilerplate amount of meat – beef, poultry, pork and sheep – a person ate each year increased from 29.5kg in 2000 to 34kg in 2019.

Poultry is the most popular selection (14.7kg), followed by pork (11.1kg) and beefiness (half dozen.4kg).

Poultry on the rise

Virtually all countries studied (30 of 35) experienced a steady increase in almanac per capita poultry consumption between 2000 and 2019. It doubled in 13 countries, with more than than 20kg eaten each year in Peru, Russia and Malaysia.

In addition to the poultry industry'south long-term focus on creating cheap and convenient nutrient, many western consumers are at present replacing beef with poultry. One possible reason is because of its smaller environmental footprint: chickens crave less land and generate much lower emissions than cattle.

However, this comes at a price. It exposes the world, including Australia, to new virus outbreaks such equally the bird influenza, and results in the overuse of antibiotics in subcontract animals. This could pb to antimicrobial resistance developing, and the loss of antibiotics to treat human being bacterial infections.

Industrial farming practices can make animals more prone to disease. Artem Beliaikin/Unplash

Industrial farming practices have added further pressures, with animals raised in confined spaces where they're easily exposed to pathogens, viruses and stress, making them more decumbent to disease.

We have seen similar impacts in People's republic of china, the world's largest producer and consumer of pork. Our analysis revealed major dietary fluctuations, such every bit when pork consumption dropped substantially in 2007 after prices increased by over 50%, post-obit outbreaks of swine flu and SARS outbreaks in humans at the time.

Which countries have reached top meat?

While meat consumption increased effectually the world on boilerplate, taking a closer await at individual countries reveals a more complicated story.

Of the 35 countries we studied, 26 had a clear correlation between Gdp growth and meat consumption levels. For the remaining nine, there was no such a correlation, while six appeared to take reached a meat consumption superlative: New Zealand, Canada, Switzerland, Paraguay, Nigeria and Ethiopia. The reasons for this bridge both sides of the economical wealth spectrum.

The three western countries may have reduced meat consumption because of conscious preferences for plant-based foods, as the health and environmental benefits become more well known. Most notably, people in New Zealand decreased their boilerplate consumption from 86.7kg in 2000 to 75.2kg in 2019.

For the remaining iii countries, reaching the peak probably wasn't voluntary, but related to economic downturn, weather calamities and virus outbreaks. In Paraguay, for instance, an outbreak of pes and mouth disease in 2011 resulted in cattle slaughter.

Commonwealth of australia continues to exist i of the globe's meridian meat-eating countries, with an annual consumption of 89.6kg per capita in 2019, up from 88.2kg per capita in 2000. Almost of this was poultry.

University of Sydney/Curtin Academy

Outdoor livestock are extremely vulnerable to farthermost weather events, such as droughts, oestrus waves and floods. This is one reason the share of beef in Australia'due south meat exports decreased by 15%, due to weather extremes and drought during 2019. Beefiness consumption in Commonwealth of australia however remains high in relative terms.

Meat was left out of climate talks

Meat consumption was largely left out of the debates at the international climate alter meridian in Glasgow, Scotland, last calendar month. Our study makes information technology clear this omission is unacceptable.

At that place were two positive developments at the climate pinnacle: the agreement to put a stop to deforestation (which was joined by Commonwealth of australia) and the collective pledges to reduce the levels of methane (which Australia did not join).

The relationships betwixt deforestation and livestock, and between marsh gas emissions and livestock, must exist made transparent. Otherwise, it will exist difficult to await people to shift their nutrient preferences towards more than plant-based meals.

The modify could start with what nosotros put on our plates this holiday flavor.

The nutrient we eat is a personal option, simply it needs to be an informed personal choice. The climate, environmental and health and welfare implications of our food choices require awareness and role setting not but by climate warriors such as activist Greta Thunberg, but likewise by policy leaders.

This article was beginning published onThe Chatand was written by Dr Diana Bogueva from the University of Sydney along with Ms Claire Whitton, Professor Clive Phillips and Professor Dora Marinova from Curtin University.


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